Complete Computer Horoscope

When you fill the form above, we capture the unique placement of stars at the time and place of your birth.

Vedic calculations based on this placement, as well as the relation between relevant stars during your life, reveal traits and events specific only to you. This is what you will preview in your free horoscope online report

In the complete In-Depth horoscope report:

You will see

how the stars affect aspects– of your life, your marriage and relationships, your career and wealth

You will understand 

who you are: your personality, characteristics and why you like and do the things you do.

You will overcome 

adversity in any time, place or aspect based on the most appropriate predictions and remedies recommended by vedic scholars

Panchanga Predictions

Generate your free horoscope by date of birth to get the predictions based on panchanga. The Panchanga predictions let you know your basic features, traits, temperament etcBased on which day of the week you born, this free astrology online report tells you some of your basic traits or tendencies. Vedic astrology divides the circle of 12 zodiacs into 27 stars or constellations. This free astrology report will find out your birth star, explain its features and give subsequent predictions. Clickastro’s free astrology by date of birth will also give predictions on your general behaviour or characteristics based on nithya yoga or birth yoga.

Bhava Predictions

Bhavas or houses in horoscope determine the various factors/aspects of the person’s life. An analysis of the 12 bhavas or houses – the raasi and the planets in each house helps to interpret the cosmic design concerning various aspects of the native’s life. Clickastro free horoscope predictions help you get an idea about your 12 houses/bhavas and the factors they control or determine which include personality, relationships, wealth, career, education, marriage etc.

Favourable Periods and Effect of Dasa/Apahara

This free astrology online report analyses the various features of your horoscope to point out the favourable periods in life. The free online horoscope studies your dasas&apaharas, the houses and the planetary positions to generate Favourable periods for Marriage, Favourable periods for Career, Favourable periods for Business, Favourable periods for House construction etc.

Remedies and Recommendations

The importance of analyzing a horoscope is that it would help a person find the various malefic factors and their remedies. The Clickastro free horoscope online checks for your various possible doshas and recommends remedies. Thus, this free astrology report can help you overcome the challenges and obstacles in life. Kuja or planet Mars has great importance in marriage related matters. This free online horoscope checks for Kujadosha, Rahudosha and Ketudosha in your horoscope and suggests remedies. Your birth star inflicts some peculiar characteristics in you that can cause difficulties in life. The free online horoscope gives your birth star based remedies.

A4 size around 60 Pages (available in English and Malayalam)